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Welcome to the August edition of the Jewish Future Pledge Newsletter!

Pledges to date: The Jewish Future Pledge reached 23,528 Pledgers, and the Jewish Youth Pledge now has 15,978 Youth Pledgers!

Here’s what’s New & Newsworthy with the Jewish Future Pledge:

'If you are interested in the Jewish future, it is the right thing to do' – The Jerusalem Post

Building the Jewish future one bunk at a time – eJewish Philanthropy

Securing Our Jewish Legacy: The Power of Legacy Giving and Jewish Future Pledge – The Times of Israel

Pledger Spotlight: Bernie and Joan White

See Bernie and Joan’s full pledger spotlight article here. 

Why do you love the Jewish Future Pledge? 

The Jewish Future Pledge creates a vector for charitable giving toward your priorities for the rest of your life. It’s because of that approach that we signed on, told our kids, they told their kids, and now all 21 of us are Jewish Future Pledgers. 

Share your unique approach to endowment-based giving

We wanted our giving legacy to be actionable. For this reason, our three children participate on the committee for the endowment we established through the Dallas Jewish Community Foundation. The "Joan and Bernard White Jewish Future Fund" endowment provides scholarships for Jewish summer camps, gap-year study in Israel, Jewish Day Schools, March of the Living, and other organizations that create a vibrant Jewish life for young people. Since our children serve as three members of the endowment committee, they gain operational experience focused on actuating philanthropy specifically for Jewish purposes.

How To: Three Tips to Carry the Momentum from the High Holidays

The Jewish high holidays are a peak season for tzedakah, as we focus on community and conversation. Here are three steps on how Jewish organization leaders can leverage the holidays to encourage Jewish giving. 

1. Go on a Listening Tour 

Make an effort to actively listen and learn: What are their interests? What are their hopes for the new year? What motivates them to action? On the micro-level, you will understand your prospects and how to activate their passions. On the macro-scale, you will be able to piece together trends from your conversations.

2. Provide Value 

Ask yourself: how can I partner with donors to help them feel connected to the organization and actualize their aspirations? Identify or develop opportunities for involvement within the organization that are tailored to donors’ specific interests. 

3. Be Persistent 

The repetitive nature of the high holiday prayers, in particular Selichot – The Prayers of Repentance – teaches us the need to try, try, and try again. You can use the cadence of the Jewish holidays (Hanukkah is right around the corner!) as an opportunity to consistently follow up. 

The full guide from CCS Fundraising can be found here.


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